Saturday, November 15, 2008


The Mitochondria is many times referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell. These energy generators convert the particles with fuel, mostly carbohydrates, into energy that the cell will use. The Mitochondria has several parts. An Outer Membrane, an Inner Membrane, the Cristae and a Matrix. The outer membrane works as a selective permeable, filtering out sugars that are too big. The inner membrane has the same purpose as the outer membrane, but its even more selective of which sugars can go. The Cristae is formed by the inner membrane, between the OM and the IM. It is filled with proteins and it helps cellular respiration, meaning that it brings oxygen to the organelle, which needs it in order to work properly. Many other organelles have the Matrix. The mitochondrial matrix is found inside of the inner membrane, it is made up of soluble enzymes that transform different organic molecules whithin the organelle.

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