Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is the bibliography for the information written in this website.

Biggs, Alton, Whitney Crispen Hagins, and William G. Holliday. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, The, 2006. 187-98.

Florida State University, comp. "Plant Cell Structure." Molecular Expressions. Ed. Michael W. Davidson. 14 May 2005. 11 Nov. 2008 .

Schroeck, Kathleen. "Structures and Organelles." Personal interview. 5 Nov. 2008.

Shirley, Laura. "The Plasma Membrane." Personal interview. 7 Nov. 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. "Cytoplasm." Wikipedia. 16 November 2008, Nov. 2008. 12 Nov. 2008 .

(all picture credits go to Florida State University, comp. "Plant Cell Structure." Molecular Expressions. Ed. Michael W. Davidson. 14 May 2005. 11 Nov. 2008, unless said so otherwise.)

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