Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is the bibliography for the information written in this website.

Biggs, Alton, Whitney Crispen Hagins, and William G. Holliday. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, The, 2006. 187-98.

Florida State University, comp. "Plant Cell Structure." Molecular Expressions. Ed. Michael W. Davidson. 14 May 2005. 11 Nov. 2008 .

Schroeck, Kathleen. "Structures and Organelles." Personal interview. 5 Nov. 2008.

Shirley, Laura. "The Plasma Membrane." Personal interview. 7 Nov. 2008.

Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. "Cytoplasm." Wikipedia. 16 November 2008, Nov. 2008. 12 Nov. 2008 .

(all picture credits go to Florida State University, comp. "Plant Cell Structure." Molecular Expressions. Ed. Michael W. Davidson. 14 May 2005. 11 Nov. 2008, unless said so otherwise.)

Cell Wall & Cytoskeleton

The cell wall is made up of carbohydrates called cellulose which give the organelle its flexibility. The cell wall protects the plant cell and gives it support. It allows the plant to reach certain heights and to stand tall.

Responsible for all movement and organization of organelles within the cell is the Cytoskeleton. It is both a muscle and a skeleton. It is made up of Microfilament, thread-like fibers that carryout cellular motion, Microtubules, and Intermediate Filaments, which give strength to the cytoskeleton.
(picture credit goes to

Plasma Membrane

One of the main jobs of the plasma membrane is to keep Homeostasis. This is the process that keeps the balance inside of the cell. It works by its Selective Permeability, working like a filter, letting good things (like H2O, oxygen, and glucose) inside the cell, and bad things (like H20, waste, and CO2) out. Its structure is built by a phospholipid bilayer. First of all, a phospholipid is a molecule made up of glycerol, or phosphate, and 2 fatty acid chains. The head is is hydrophilic, meaning it is attracted to water, and the tain is hydrophobic, hates water. A phospholipid bilayer are 2 layers of phospholipids arranged tail to tail, so that the hydrophobic fatty acid chains never have to be exposed to H2O. The plasma membrane is not only made of the Phospholipid Bilayer, but of other things too. It includes proteins, carbohydrates and cholesterol. The proteins main purpose is to control what leaves and enters the cell. The Cholesterol, hydrophobic, is located between the tails of the phospholipids and it prevents the tails from sticking together. The carbohydrates are attached tot he proteins that stick out of the plasma membrane. They warn the cell of incoming bad things like disease cells, and also help to fight it off. The structure of the plasma membrane is many times described as a fluid mosaic. The phospholipids and proteins are able to move within the membrane, using constant motion. The different substances that move around make a pattern which resembles a mosaic (from where it got its name).


Chloroplast organelles capture light from the sun and convert it into energy, by using the process of photosynthesis. It is only found in plant cells, and some algae. Inside the membrane, there are many little disk shaped objects called Thylakoids These thylakoids trap the sunlight by a pigment called chlorophyll (which gives the leaves of trees the color green). The main purpose of the chloroplast is to convert the light it recieves from the sun, into energy that the cell can use.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


The Mitochondria is many times referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell. These energy generators convert the particles with fuel, mostly carbohydrates, into energy that the cell will use. The Mitochondria has several parts. An Outer Membrane, an Inner Membrane, the Cristae and a Matrix. The outer membrane works as a selective permeable, filtering out sugars that are too big. The inner membrane has the same purpose as the outer membrane, but its even more selective of which sugars can go. The Cristae is formed by the inner membrane, between the OM and the IM. It is filled with proteins and it helps cellular respiration, meaning that it brings oxygen to the organelle, which needs it in order to work properly. Many other organelles have the Matrix. The mitochondrial matrix is found inside of the inner membrane, it is made up of soluble enzymes that transform different organic molecules whithin the organelle.


The Vacuole is a sac where the cell places all its water, food, waste, enzymes and other substances that were important or will be important in the future. The vacuoles of a plant cell are always larger than an animal vacuole because the water that fills it keeps the cell stay rigid and not move. The plant also takes its water from the vacuole in which it was stored. The vacuole's complete purpose in the cell is to store things for later use.

Golgi Apparatus

After the Endoplasmic Reticulum, the proteins are transported to the Golgi Apparatus. This organelle packages and sorts the proteins into vesicles. These vesicles then are released into the cytoplasm and pass through the membrane. The vesicle then frees the protein within into the outside. So kind of like how one has to package up presents when they are to be given because otherwise one could risk the present getting ruined, the Golgi wraps the proteins so that while in the outside of the cell, they come to no harm.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


(credit for picture goes to

The cytoplasm is the liquid that separates the organelles from each other.
-2 major elements --> Cytosol, and Organelles
Cytosol is the actual liquid in which the organelles are suspended in.
The Organelles are the sections in the cell that have a special function.

NOTE- the picture of the cell here is not a plant cell, but an animal cell. Although they are different types of cells the cytoplasm is still in the same place.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is an organelle made of folded membrane. This is the organelle where protein and lipid synthesize. There are two types of ER in the cell. The Smooth ER and the Rough ER. The difference between the SER and the RER is that the RER is coated with Ribosomes, granting the appearence of it being "rough", while the SES has no Ribosomes. the RER mainly concists of the making and advancement of protein that will be evacuated from the cell. The SES works with the makings of lipids, breaking down of poison and drugs and taking care of the carbohydrates, therefore making it a more crucial to the cell than other organisms.


This is the simplest of all organelles in the cell. It's purpose is to help make proteins. Its mainly made of RNA & Proteins. They transport the Protein made in the Nucleolus around the cell and out into the outside of the cell. They can be found anywhere because they usually float aroun in the cytoplasm.


All eukaryote cells have a nucleus (except for red blood cells). The Nucleus to the Cell is like the Brain to the Human. It controls all the functions within the cell, "makes the decisions." The Nucleus makes the Ribosomes, which themselves make the DNA for the cell.
The Nucleus itself has many parts. Its made up of Chromosomes and Chromatin, the Nucleolus, the Nuclear Envelope and the Nuclear Pores. Each serving a special function to the over all Nucleus. The Chromosomes the DNA needed for the cell, body and overall organism to live. The Nucleolus is the organelle that manufactures Ribosomes. The Nuclear Envelope is the membrane of the Nucleus that protects the Nucleus from other things. Finally the Nuclear Pores. These "pores" are found on the Nuclear Envelope and they are the ones that let molecules and ribosomes in and out of the Nucleus itself.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Plant Cell

OK! so first post is up! and it this is a diagram of a regular plant cell.
(all credit to google images for the picture)


Hey's this blog will be to fulfill my biology project on Eucharistic Cells
I will be making posts centering around the different organelles in Plant Cells.
At the end I will have a bibliography page.
K, I'm out